If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, there are several things you need to know before making a choice.
Our experienced medical team at Assurance Care can provide the answers you need and talk with you confidentially about all your options, including abortion.
When you visit us to discuss your pregnancy options, you will also learn the answers to the following questions.
1. Are You Pregnant?
Sometimes, it can be confusing to know if you are pregnant. Even a missed period is not always a sure sign.
The best way to know is by taking a pregnancy test. When you become pregnant, your body produces a hormone called hCG, which a pregnancy test can detect once it reaches a certain level.
At Assurance Care, we will provide you with a no-cost, clinical-grade pregnancy test so you can be confident of your results.
2. What Are Your Ultrasound Results?
Ultrasounds use sound waves to create a picture of the inside of your uterus. At Assurance Care, we use ultrasounds to answer three main questions.
How Far Along Is Your Pregnancy?
Since periods can sometimes be irregular and tracking apps can be inaccurate, it is hard to know how advanced you are in your pregnancy. Our ultrasounds can determine your gestational age (how far along you are in your pregnancy).
If you are considering a medical abortion (i.e., the abortion pill), the FDA only approves this termination method through ten weeks gestation (or 70 days from the first day of your last period). For your health and safety, it is crucial you know this information.
Where Is Your Pregnancy Located?
A fertilized egg usually implants in the uterine wall and then grows. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants and grows outside the uterus, typically in a fallopian tube.
Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous. A pregnancy cannot survive outside the uterus, and life-threatening bleeding can occur. It’s vital to receive medical treatment right away if you may have an ectopic pregnancy.
Is Your Pregnancy Viable?
In other words, does it appear that your pregnancy will continue? According to experts, up to 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.
Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester. Our medical team can determine whether your pregnancy has a heartbeat and is progressing.
3. Do You Have Any Existing STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)?
It is essential for your health to determine if you have an STI, especially before having an abortion.
During an abortion procedure, existing STIs can spread deeper into the reproductive tract, potentially causing pelvic inflammatory disease. Get checked and treated before considering an abortion.
At Assurance Care, we provide testing and treatment for many common STIs.
Get Answers at Assurance Care
If you think you might be pregnant, contact Assurance Care today. We will provide the answers you need and discuss every option with you confidentially.
It’s your decision. We’re here to support you along the way.